iPhone App Discoveries

I, like the majority of people, am drastically trying to optimize and track my day to day life. This post outlines three new iPhone apps that now play an essential role in helping me to do so.

1. Revolut

When I started making the weekly trip from Dublin to London, I was quickly hit with the impact of exchange rates using my Irish banking card in the UK. Alongside, all of the social elements of Revolut, the interbank exchange rates alone make it a no-brainer to have in your wallet.

Top wins I get from Revolut:

  1. Multicurrency. When I travel to the UK or wish to purchase something in US dollars, I simply move money from my euro account. When I make a purchase, it will automatically detect what currency I would like to use and doesn't charge me crazy banking fees.
  2. Split the bill — At MiniCorp, we go for lunch together as a team, pretty much daily. Splitting the bill can be difficult. With Revolut, one of us pays on their card, hits the "split bill" option and we can all easily pay our share. Winner.
  3. Instant notifications — This still blows my mind. When you pay for something with your Revolut card, you get a push notification to your phone instantaneously.

Download Revolut

2. Pocket Casts

Pocket Casts is a super slick podcast player for iPhone. I've used the standard podcast app for a while but I've fallen completely in love with Pocket Casts. Beautifully designed, essential features and discovery all draw me into a great experience.

Top wins for Pocket Casts:

  1. Design — Design plays an important role for me. I love it when the design looks great but is focused on getting out of the way. Pocket Casts gets this right.
  2. Discovery — If you're a podcast advocate you know how hard it can be to discover new podcasts. Pocket Casts makes it super simple and shows really great recommendations.
  3. Statistics — I'm a sucker for some reporting. Pocket Casts provides some kick-ass reporting like how much time you've spent listening overall etc.

Download Pocket Casts

3. Zero

Finally, Zero. If you've been following my latest podcasts and blog posts, you've probably learned that I'm an advocate of intermittent fasting. Zero is a really minimal application from Kevin Rose that allows you to track your fasting history over seven days and your current fasting period.

There's no need to list out top wins here, there is only one.

Download Zero